Fruition Village

Fruition Village is an affordable housing village in a town that desperately needs it. This village consists of 80 2-bedroom apartments. We arranged the 10 apartment buildings to create a central park-like setting. The central park contains a swimming pool with spa, a community garden with water reclamation, an accessible playground and park bench seating with BBQ’s.

We are building a large 10,000 sqft community center that will house a childcare center, small grocery store, laundry center, storage units and a fitness club.

The intent is to create a village setting that will be as self-sufficient as possible while also being affordable. This will be a great housing project for students, elderly, small families and working adults.

My client calls it Fruition Village.

ArkSmith Design is very proud of this project. We have been very fortunate to have many superb affordable housing projects as of late. We have been blessed with clients who have vision and trust us to realize their projects.


Ark 2


Twain Harte Shopping Center Re-Envisioned